Über mich

Research Overview

Between 2002 and 2006 I was with the Institut für Informatik (Institute of Computer Science) der Freien Universität Berlin in the position of a Research Assistent as part of the  Working Group "Computer Systems & Telematics" (Prof. Schiller).

The focus of the Research Group at FU Berlin is on mobile and wireless communications, especially Web Services, Quality of Services aspects and Operating System support for small mobile devices.

I was especially interested in

During march 2004 I was visiting researcher at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS) in the CNA group.

Before I joined the group at FU Berlin I was at the Institut für Telematik, at the Universität Karlsruhe. There I digged into Quality of Service in network protocols, networked end systems and in user space (introducing the famous Q-Button). Main result of this time is my PhD Thesis titled "Bedarfsorientierte Dienstgüteunterstützung im Endsystem (Demand-Driven Quality of Service Support in networked End-Systems)", VDI-Verlag, 2001.

In the phase between the PhD thesis and my work in Berlin I was at Stanford University in the context of the Learning Lab Lower Saxony.

  © by Hartmut Ritter 2004-2014